Do you have an adventurer in your life that has a never-ending stash of outdoor gear? You probably think they can’t possibly need anything else, or you might be out of ideas of what to get for them. Just remember one thing. There’s never enough outdoor gear to cycle through for someone who loves the outdoors. Here are some ideas for you to think about when buying for that thrill-seeker.
Title 9 Clamber Shorts
The Title 9 Clamber Shorts for women have got to be some of the most comfortable shorts. These rugged, yet stylish, shorts are ready for hiking, trekking, climbing, or whatever your choice of adventure might be. They’re made of ClambR™, which is 93% nylon and 7% spandex with DWR. They have pockets on the leg, two front, and two zippered back pockets. The shorts are mid-rise with an elastic waist and have a snap closure.
The durability of these shorts proved to be versatile as they were worn mountain biking and climbing. The Clamber shorts came out unscathed after smearing up a granite wall, and the movement in these shorts was fantastic. The shorts are true to size, and they come in five different colors. There is a 5-inch and 13-inch length, and they retail at $65 and $69.

Sherpa Adventure Gear Rolpa Full Zip Fleece Jacket
Sherpa Adventure Gear’s Rolpa Full Zip Fleece Jacket is one of those that when you put it on, you don’t want to take it off. The jacket is made of 100 wt. two-sided brushed anti-pill fleece made of 100% polyester, and it’s the lighter-weight version of the award-winning Sonam. The detailing surrounding the zipper is Nepal inspired and just beautiful. The Rolpa has two hand warmer pockets that zip shut to secure your essentials. It doesn’t cause chaffing under pack straps as seams are placed away from the should tops and hips.
This jacket was perfect for the Utah weather we had at the beginning and mid-part of November this year. It was great for some day hikes and kept the warmth in very nicely. This will also be a great baselayer for some ice climbing and snowshoeing for the wintertime. If you purchase any item from Sherpa Adventure Gear, education and resources are provided for children in Nepal for the entirety of their education; elementary through college. You know your money would be well-spent. The Rolpa Fleece Jacket retails at $60.00.

Nite Ize Radiant 250 Headlamp
The Nite Ize Radiant 250 Headlamp is a great lightweight headlamp that features red and white LEDs, four modes plus lockout, a comfortable adjustable strap, and a body that tilts 90 degrees. The Radiant runs on AAA batteries with a beam distance of 213 feet. The easy push-button has a lockout feature, and for those of us who store our headlamps in backpacks or some place where the button can be pushed unintentionally, this is a great feature to have in order to avoid killing your batteries.
The beam distance on the Radiant 250 is 213 feet, and the headlamp can run for up to 46 hours. It’s impact-resistant up to two meters and water resistant. This is a perfect headlamp for camping and night hikes. The Nite Ize Radiant 250 retails at $29.99.

GSI Outdoors Selkirk 540 Camp Stove
GSI Outdoors is constantly coming out with some fantastic products, and the GSI Outdoors Selkirk 540 Camp Stove is one of those car camping stoves you want to have with you. This rugged, twin-burner, high-output, propane camp stove has a powder-coated steel exterior and wraparound windscreens along with stainless steel and nickel-chrome cooking surfaces. Those surfaces made it super easy to clean. You can cook for you and a good group of people with this stove.
This thing boils water fast, and the push-button is simple with the piezo ignition system lighting the stove quickly and singe-free. This camp stove is like bringing a mini version of your home-kitchen stove on your camping trip. The micro-control valves have precise tunability and output for each burner. And the look of the stove isn’t bad either. The orange that seems to be extremely popular these days serves as the lid and the windscreens. The bottom is a sleek grey/silver. The Selkirk 540 retails at $124.95.