We’re down to two days before Christmas, and there are probably several out there who wait until the absolute last minute to do their dreaded Christmas shopping. For those of us who fall into that category, here are some last-minute ideas and outdoor gear gift ideas for your outdoor adventurer.
Kuju Coffee
One of the easiest to give of all outdoor gear gift ideas is coffee. If you haven’t tried Kuju Coffee, you’re really missing out. Kuju Coffee is a single-serve pour-over (Pocket PourOver®) coffee you can take on your camping trips, drink at home or just anywhere on-the-go. This is better than instant coffee, and the two brothers who started Kuju Coffee made it into an impact-conscious single-serve little packet. Think the size of a tea-packet. They have a nice variety of flavors from the bold to the light that will satisfy all coffee drinkers as it is premium quality.
You can buy 10-packs of the different flavors or they have great bundles that include mugs, cups, and a brew kit. 10-packs retail at $22.00-$30.00. You can buy online or find Kuju at REI, Whole Foods, and Sportsman’s Warehouse.

ProBar Food Bars
ProBar has always been a favorite when it comes to food bars and a great outdoor gear gift idea. There are so many different options out there that it can be a bit overwhelming to know which one would actually taste good. These real-food, plant-based bars have a variety of different options. These bars are a great alternative to a meal when you’re out adventuring in the outdoors. Some ProBar Meal favorites include Blueberry Muffin, Oatmeal Chocolate Chip, Superberry and Greens, and Wholeberry Blast.
Their Mint Chocolate Protein bar is fantastic. ProBar also has energy chews that will give you the extra OOMPH you might need to send that climbing route you’ve been working on for days. The Strawberry, Berry Blast and Cran-Pomegranate are some of the delicious options for chews. ProBar has something for everyone. The bars and chews are full of flavor, packed with nutrients, and a perfect meal/snack to take on your ventures. ProBar is available online, at Whole Foods Market, REI, Sprouts, Amazon.com, Natural Grocers, Scheels and several other retailers.

Outside Inside Games – Barrel Toss
Games are always a necessity when you’re out camping. Even though you’re out climbing, biking, hiking or whatever your outdoor activity is, it’s fun to come back to the campsite and have some camp games. Outside Inside Games offers an assortment of games to play whether you’re in your tent or around the campfire. Freestyle Mini Disk Golf is a favorite. This portable, collapsible set allows for you to set up anywhere, so you can make the game really challenging in the great outdoors.
It’s a quick set-up and includes one collapsible target, 8 disks, game instructions and a carry bag. Freestyle Mini Disk Golf retails at $34.95. The Freestyle Barrel Toss is another fun game. You score points by throwing and deflecting a frisbee into a barrel. This game is also compact and portable with a quick set-up. The set includes two pop-up barrels, 1 x 11” frisbee, six pegs, game instructions and a carry bag. Freestyle Barrel Toss retails at $39.95. These games can be purchased at REI, Amazon.com and Backcountry.com.

Cusa Tea
If you’re more of a tea lover than coffee, then Cusa Tea should be your go-to instant tea as an outdoor gear gift idea. Many instant teas on the market aren’t very high-quality as their production method damages tea characteristics which result in a final product that doesn’t reflect the flavor of high-quality tea. Founder, Jim Lamancusa, didn’t take any shortcuts to make sure Cusa Tea was premium high-quality. Through nine months of trial and error, Jim found a completely new brewing and dehydration process that delivered a perfect cup of premium organic tea in seconds.
The Cold Steep Technology retained all the taste and character of the teas, and this was how Cusa Tea was born. There are currently seven green and black tea flavors and four herbal flavors on Cusa’s line. Mango Green Tea, Peach Green Tea, and Organic English Breakfast are some favorites. These small packets are great for first thing in the morning before starting your adventures or something to wind down with at night by the campfire. Cusa Tea comes in a box of 10 and retails at $9.99 per box. Cusa Tea can be found online, at REI, Sprouts, World Market, and Amazon.com.

OluKai Pehuea Heu Slippers
OluKai Pehuea Heu slippers are a dreamy pair of shoes that are made of waterproof nubuck leather, a plush, shearling lining and hearty sneaker outsole. Your feet are surrounded by cushy comfort as the footbed is a dual-density anatomical PU with a gel insert that provides all-day cushioning, support and comfort with a soft, wool blend textile footbed cover. The outsole is a non-marking rubber outsole with Polynesian inspired artwork and design.
The patented Drop-In Heel® design offers both a shoe and slide functionality. These shoes are literally my go-to shoes for quick trips to the store, slipping on when waking up to a beautiful morning while camping and my après shoes for a full day of outdoor fun. The Pehuea Heu come in two different colors, lava rock and taupe grey, and retail at $130. You can find these at Sportsman’s Warehouse, Nordstrom, REI, Scheels, Kirkham’s Outdoor Products and Black Diamond.

Toad & Co Re-Form Flannel Shirt
The women’s Re-Form Flannel Shirt by Toad&Co is that wonderfully comfortable flannel shirt you want to have with you everywhere-but makes a great outdoor gear gift idea. This lightweight flannel is soft thanks to recycled cotton and recycled polyester (made from plastic water bottles). The Re-Form Flannel is moisture-wicking, made from 100% recycled content, Global Recycled Standard® approved fabric and has a button front placket, button through patched-on chest pockets and is 27” in length. The style of the shirt is going to get compliments no matter what color you choose. The Re-Form Flannel Shirt retails at $80.00 and is available at REI, Title Nine, and Sports Den.

Te Wave Recovery Tool
What do you usually do for recovery after a full day of climbing, biking, hiking or trail running? The Wave Recovery Tool is an all-in-one IASTM (Instrument Aided Soft Tissue Manipulation) tool for soft tissue release and helps address myofascial pain, restrictions and adhesions. The Wave is the most ergonomic IASTM tool on the market that’s designed to decrease hand strain during use and improve tissue health. It was formed by physical therapists and mountain guides inspired to develop innovative, superior physical therapy tools.
The versatility of the Wave is amazing. You have a massaging surface, trigger point knob, finger edge, stripping blade, adhesion + myofascial edge, tendonitis release edge, wide arc edge and levering disc all-in-one tool. I’ve had bilateral carpal tunnel surgery and have a desk job full-time. When the strain comes on, the Wave Tool gets utilized in a big way. And it’s not just the strain in the wrists. We’re talking wrists, full arms, and shoulders. After a climbing session outside or at the gym, the Wave does wonders for the major pump and strain in my arms and recovery time is quicker. If you engage in any outdoor sport or activity, pack a Wave Recovery Tool in your backpack. The Wave Tool retails at $49.99 and is available online with free shipping in the US.
